Don’t allow yourself to be controlled by these 5 things

3. LIMITED BELIEFS you project on yourself

As the saying goes: when there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot harm.

when you have nothing inside holding you back then there is nothing to hold outside either.

your entire life will change in the very instant. you decide to change your mindset. the instant you decide to see everything as a gift. 

when you decide to see every circumstance and challenge as a blessing than a curse. the very instance you become conscious of the facts that everything in it is as it should be and know that fighting is what is insane.

4. Relationship

A touchy subject but if you always need another be happy to feel complete. then there is always one moment away from a breakdown. if that person leaves you. if the relationship you are in is a bit going well. I am not suggesting avoiding relationships. 

there I no force earth which is greater than love. I am talking about those who can’t live. if they aren’t in a relationship. those who will be just about anyone including all the wrong ones just to avoid spending a moment being single.

develop enough mental strength that you get to the point where you don’t need others to make you happy. you are just as happy being alone as you are in a relationship.


This is what controls the majority of humans on the planet. this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want abundance. it doesn’t mean money is evil. what a great thing you can do and how many people you can help with money.  don’t allow your decision to be controlled by money. 

if you are choosing something only on the fact of how much money is involved. you will make just a wrong decision. what you will find, is that when you follow your heart and when you lead intending to serve others give your best to others every single time. when you follow your intuition and truly give your soul then the money will come and it will come in far greater amounts.

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