8 Positive Lessons from the book, Attitude Is Everything

8 Positive Lessons from the book, Attitude is Everything

Jeff Keller’s inspirational classic “Attitude is Everything” emphasizes how crucial attitude is in determining how our lives turn out. Keller presents eight key lessons that may be used as a framework to help cultivate a purposeful and optimistic mentality throughout the book. Let’s examine these …

brain health, memory improvement brain health trainer brain health
brain health, memory improvement brain health trainer brain health

Viktor Frankl Books

Viktor Frankl Books

Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Emil Frankl, M.D., Ph.D., was also a Holocaust survivor. The “Third Viennese School” of psychotherapy, founded by Frankl, uses Existential Analysis in the form of logotherapy. Viktor Frankl Books His book Man’s Search for Meaning was initially released in 1959 …