Robert Greene Best Books

Robert Greene Best Books

Robert Greene Best Books

Robert speaks many languages, has worked as a translator, and has lived in London, Paris, and Barcelona. He participated in the design and construction of the Italian art school Fabrica outside of Venice in 1995. There he met Joost Elffers, the New York book packager, and discussed with him his plan to write the ultimate contemporary retelling of Machiavelli’s The Prince, a book about power and manipulation.

The 48 Laws of Power was founded in 1998 after Robert and Joost partnered. The book has been a best-seller both domestically and abroad and has been translated into 17 tongues. The Art of Seduction, Robert’s second book, was published in 2001. It is not only a continuation of The 48 Laws; it also offers a comprehensive analysis of the greatest con artists in history.

Robert Greene Best Books
Robert Greene Best Books

The 33 Strategies of War, the third volume in this eagerly awaited series, was released in January 2006 and provides a strategic analysis of the tactics used in war and how they might be applied to daily life. These books are being praised by everyone from military historians to some of the biggest names in the rap world, in addition to having a strong following in the business world and a deep following in Washington, DC (including Jay-Z and 50 Cent).

These are deep, timeless teachings from historical leaders that still apply in today’s culture, as seen by the enormous popularity of these works and their passionately devoted readership. Robert resides in Los Angeles at the moment.

some Most prominent books by Robert Greene are

1# The 48 Laws of Power

Robert Greene and Joost Elffers have condensed three thousand years of the history of power into 48 essential laws in the book that People magazine called “beguiling” and “fascinating,” drawing from the writings of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz as well as from the lives of people like Henry Kissinger and P.T. Barnum.

Law 1: “Never Outshine the Master” and Law 28: “Enter Action with Boldness” are examples of rules that emphasize the need for caution. Law 15: “Crush Your Enemy Totally” is another that urges complete self-preservation. But there is one thing that all laws have in common: a desire for ultimate dominance. The 48 Laws of Power is the perfect resource whether your goal is conquest, self-defense, or just to comprehend the game’s rules. It comes in bright and appealing two-color packaging.

2# The Art of Seduction

The Art of Seduction, as well as his or her strategies, successes, and failures, are explored in depth in The Art of Seduction. The siren, the rake, the ideal lover, the dandy, the natural, the coquette, the charmer, and the charismatic are just a few of the seducer’s numerous guises. Readers will be guided through the seduction process by twenty-four techniques that offer sophisticated, immoral instructions for and analyses of this intriguing, widespread form of control. The Art of Seduction is a vital introduction to persuasion and delivers the greatest teachings on how to take what you want from whoever you want or how to avoid yourself from being taken, and it is every bit as elegantly packed and important as The 48 Laws of Power.

3# The Laws of Human Nature

We are sociable creatures. Our interactions with others determine whether or not we survive. The most crucial skill we may have is understanding why others act in certain ways; without it, our other abilities will only get us so far. Greene teaches us how to separate ourselves from our own emotions and master self-control, how to develop the empathy that leads to insight, how to look behind people’s masks, and how to resist conformity to develop your singular sense of purpose. He does this by drawing from the theories and examples of Pericles, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others. The Laws of Human Nature offer ingenious strategies for achievement, self-improvement, and self-defense, whether at work, in relationships, or in influencing the world around you.

4# The 33 Strategies of War

The 33 Strategies of War is a comprehensive guide to the subtle social game of daily life informed by the most clever and successful military principles in war, spanning world civilizations, synthesizing dozens of political, philosophical, and religious texts and thousands of years of violent conflict. The 33 Strategies of War, which is organized in Greene’s distinctive manner, is the modern equivalent of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War’s I-Ching of combat.


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