Lions Mentality: 7 Mentality Characteristics we Learn from Lions
“God doesn’t give the hardest battles to his toughest soldiers, He creates the toughest soldiers through life’s hardest battles.”
Here is 7 characteristic that we can learn from the lions
1. Lions are the symbol of strength

Lions are the symbol of strength. they are physically and mentally strong. first and foremost if you want to become like a lion you have to build on your strengths. no one is perfect and no one has at all but when you know who you are and know what you are capable of you will have the strength to withstand. great force and pressure in times of challenges hardship and difficulties and guess what?
that’s how you win in life.
2. Lions are Leaders

Instead of following where the path may lead. go instead where there is no path and leave a trial. only you know what path to take and what is the best for your life.
have courage and be confident in your walk like a lion and March on to your destiny.
3. Lions are Unique

Loins are unique and it matches the fact that people are also unique. there are 7 billion people on the planet. and not one of them has the same fingerprint. this means you are born unique for a reason. there are things that you can do with ease that no one else can do. don’t try to fit in, but stand out. and use the gift that you were given.
4. Lions are always willing to fight

They have an attitude of keeping things going when things get tough. everything that has value on this planet has a price. so if you want something valuable in your life, you need to go out there and fight like a lion.
5. Lions are brave

they are ready to face and endure danger or pain. the heart of a lion will never be afraid and always moves forward. you have to be willing to take the necessary steps for self-growth even if it’s scared you. always go with a choice that scares you the most, because that’s the one that’s going to help you grow. dare to take action and take control our your life.
6. Lions are part of a pride

although lions are leaders and largely loners they belong to the pride because they are part of something bigger and work as a team when needed.
this means although you may have the skills and the ability to work alone, always remember that sometimes teaming up with others who have more skills than you, and others you can build and grow from, is always a good step to take. always remember when you are around like-minded people. you can learn from them and they can learn from you. you can become who you surround yourself with.
7. The sound of a lion can be heard 5 miles away

Lions make themselves heard and speak up when they have to. it’s doesn’t matter where you are from or where you are going. just stand out and be heard because your contribution matters and most importantly you matter.