Leo Tolstoy is frequently regarded as the finest author when it comes to realist fiction because of the enormous recognition and praise of War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Tolstoy’s writing style, in my opinion, stands out for the masterful method in which he integrates a real-world context with a fictional plot. This blend of reality, fiction, and philosophy are frequently extremely relevant to the times in which the story is set.

Like his writing, he also has some of the most incredible statements that are spot-on and offer insight into how we might all live happier, more happy lives.
Here are some of my top choices.
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
Leo Tolstoy
Take a few minor adjustments to your own life and thinking. Do you wish for a greener planet? Change your own way of life right now. Do you wish the world were more equal? First, let go of your own unconscious prejudice.
“If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.”
Leo Tolstoy
Stop attempting to achieve that elusive perfection in whatever it is that is most important to you. Concerned about your appearance and perfect haircut too much? Try the untidy appearance and gauge your level of enjoyment. Are you fixated on that flawless presentation? Simply use what you have and do your hardest; the outcome will be more than satisfying.
“We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.”
Leo Tolstoy
Be hungry and modest. Be humble in that you should never let your knowledge or wisdom develop into any type of arrogance. Everyone has something to share; you just need to seek the appropriate thing. Hunger in the sense that you always endeavor to learn from others and continuously be on the lookout to add to your wisdom.
“When you love someone, you love the person as they are, and not as you’d like them to be.”
Leo Tolstoy
This one is likewise closely related to number one. If there is something about someone else that you would like changed, rather than attempting to change them, learn to accept them as they are and to love them in spite of their flaws. Alter yourself before attempting to change others if you can’t make a change in yourself that suits their conduct.
“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”
Leo Tolstoy
Make advantage of your voice. Raise it up.
If you see something wrong happening, don’t just be a bystander or participate in it; be the voice that speaks out against it and seeks to change it. Others, like you, know it’s terrible but lack the confidence to speak up — but if someone does speak up, they’ll gladly join in. There are many followers in the world, but few leaders – be that leader.
I hope you love these wise quotes from Leo Tolstoy. You will be a lot better and more content with your mental well-being.