The King & The Spider: Never give up Once, a kingdom’s adversaries had it under control. Even though the monarch put up a valiant fight against his foes, the realm could not be saved. After being defeated, the king fled his country. Later, using his …
The Secret of Success- A Life-Changing Lesson
The Secret of Success- A Life-Changing Lesson once there was a young man who worked at the factory. his mentor an old technician taught him to talk less and do more. and never stop developing his skills. in every aspect of the factory is operations. …
Don’t allow yourself to be controlled by these 5 things
Don’t allow yourself to be controlled by these 5 things Don’t allow yourself to be controlled by these 5things. many people spend their life at the mercy of their circumstances. living at the mercy of what’s happened to them. living at the mercy of other …
The Greedy Shepherd’s Tale: Appreciate what you have
The Greedy Shepherd’s Tale: Appreciate what you have An extremely avaricious shepherd once resided in a village. His only source of income came from some goats he owned. He left the settlement far behind and one day brought his goats to graze on a hillside …
Bear Fishing in the River: A Short Story of Greed
Bear Fishing in the River: A Short Story of Greed A bear lived in a forest and was constantly seeking new food. He noticed the weather was clear and sunny when he got up one day. What wonderful weather, he remarked. I should go fishing …